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Collapse WL26 - Papers of the Reverend Dr James Maitland (1914-1996)WL26 - Papers of the Reverend Dr James Maitland (1914-1996)
Collapse 1 - Church Papers1 - Church Papers
Collapse 1 - Livingston Ecumenical Experiment and Parish1 - Livingston Ecumenical Experiment and Parish
Collapse 1 - Management papers of the Ecumenical Experiment and St Columba's Church, Craigshill1 - Management papers of the Ecumenical Experiment and St Columba's Church, Craigshill
1 - Minutes of meetings of the Committee on the Approaches of the Churches to the New Town of Livingston
2 - Minutes of meetings of the Livingston Ecumenical Council
3 - Correspondence from the Church of Scotland Home Board, to Reverend Maitland, regarding the construction of Craigshill Church
4 - Minutes of meetings between Law & Dunbar-Nasmith, architects, the Church of Scotland Home Board, and other parties concering the construction of St Columba's Church, Craigshill.
5 - Copies of correspondence Law & Dunbar-Nasmith, architects and the Reverend George Paterson, Church of Scotland Home Board, concering the construction of St Columba's Church, Craigshill.
6 - Preface and proposals regarding the improvement of performance of Craigshill Church
7 - Notebook containing lists of people in Craigshill
8 - Statement from Reverend Hamish Smith to the Management Committee
9 - Papers relating to the financial management of the Ecumenical Experiment
10 - Papers relating to the staffing of the Ecumenical Experiment
11 - Minutes of meetings of Livingston Church Council
12 - Paper outlining the interaction between the Livingston Kirk Session and Livingston Church Council
13 - Memorandum outlining who has responsibility for disciplining the minister - the Presbytery and not the Kirk Session
14 - Notes prepared by Maitland for meetings of the management committee and of the church council
15 - Minutes of meetings of Stewardship Sub-Committee of St Columba's Church, Livingston, with associated material.
16 - Minutes of Livingston Steering Committee
17 - Memorandum entitled "Suggested Proposals re Dedridge and Kirk of Calder"
18 - Memorandum entitled "References in minutes to organ financing arrangements"
19 - Memoranda regarding admission to church membership
20 - Memorandum entitled "Consultation on Livingston Assesment Report... Response"
21 - Livingston Christian Council
22 - Folder entitled "Education"
23 - Material relating to the provision of an educational specialist in Livingston
24 - Notes regarding activities and prayers for children in the Junior High School Group, Craigshill
25 - Leaflets about St Columba's Church, Craigshill
26 - Methodist Society in Livingston: some practical outworkings of the provisional draft of constitution
27 - Livingston Ecumenical Team report on visit to Trist Mouldings, reviewing working practices
28 - Copy of Livingston Life, containing an article of the Rev James Maitland's retirement
29 - Copies of Unity Now: Look at Livingston, an article by James Maitland
30 - Team ministry
31 - Livingston Ecumenical Parish
Expand 2 - Correspondence concerning the ecumenical experiment2 - Correspondence concerning the ecumenical experiment
Expand 3 - Notes, articles and newspaper clippings about the Ecumenical Experiment3 - Notes, articles and newspaper clippings about the Ecumenical Experiment
Expand 4 - Craigsfarm4 - Craigsfarm
Expand 5 - Papers concerning other Ecumenical Experiments by churches in Britain and Europe5 - Papers concerning other Ecumenical Experiments by churches in Britain and Europe
Expand 6 - Newsletters6 - Newsletters
Expand 7 - Other material relating to Craigshill Church7 - Other material relating to Craigshill Church
Expand 2 - Church of Scotland Governance2 - Church of Scotland Governance
Expand 3 - Maitland's other parish work3 - Maitland's other parish work
Expand 4 - Sermons, prayers and service notes4 - Sermons, prayers and service notes
Expand 5 - General correspondence with church contacts5 - General correspondence with church contacts
Expand 6 - Iona Community6 - Iona Community
Expand 7 - Papers relating to Catholics in Livingston7 - Papers relating to Catholics in Livingston
Expand 8 - Photographs8 - Photographs
Expand 2 - Civic Life2 - Civic Life
Expand 3 - Writing3 - Writing
Expand 4 - Printed Material4 - Printed Material
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