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Collapse WL26 - Papers of the Reverend Dr James Maitland (1914-1996)WL26 - Papers of the Reverend Dr James Maitland (1914-1996)
Expand 1 - Church Papers1 - Church Papers
Expand 2 - Civic Life2 - Civic Life
Expand 3 - Writing3 - Writing
Collapse 4 - Printed Material4 - Printed Material
1 - "Churches within the Burgh: Extracts from MacArthur's history of New Monkland Parish" (1890)
2 - "Addresses by Various People"
3 - Conclusions and recommendations of the buildings study group of the Diocese of Chichester: "Buildings and Breakthrough"
4 - Leaflet for Harmony Hill Presbyterian church, Lambeg
5 - The World is the Agenda: Report of a Conference on the missionary structure of the congregation
6 - The Link: Newcastle Diocesan newsletter
7 - Monthly Newsletter about Evangelism
8 - Christian Encounter Newsletter
9 - Leaflet for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
10 - Church and School in a Glasgow Housing System
11 - Killingworth Christian Council
12 - Urban North America: The Challenge of the Next Thirty Years by Eric Trist
13 - Dissent in Scotland, a paper by Mrs Sally Horning
13a - Article entitled "Outwitting the Developed Countries"
14 - Salvation Today and Contemporary Experience, draft of booklet produced by the World Council of Churches
15 - Excerpt from the Guardian "Battle for the Soul"
16 - Society, Religion and Technology: how men can shape their future
17 - A consultation for those concerned with the Church in Urban Areas: New Patterns of Mission
17a - Pipeline: Newsletter of the New Town Minister's Association
18 - "Diaconia - Source of a Renewed Church" - copy of lecture given at Regional Diaconia Conference
19 - Scottish Church Council: "A Personal Report of the World Churches Council, Nairobi"
20 - William Temple Foundation: Bulletins Number One and Two
21 - Copy of the Black Report by the Department of Health and Social Security on health inequality in the United Kingdom
22 - Newsletters, pamphlets and booklets collected on the theme of "Work and Unemployment"
23 - Growing up in Scotland: Parent Project Phase I report
24 - Strathbock Parish Church Magazine News
25 - Photocopy of The Society of Ecumenical Christians before and after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an article in Religion, State and Society
26 - Newsletter from the Society of Ecumenical Studies
27 - Scottish Downs Syndrome Association Magazine
28 - Living Green: The why and how of a just and Earth-friendly society,
29 - Debt: How the Poor are paying the rich
30 - Guardian Newspaper cutting
31 - The implications of having priests in secular employment
32 - Obituaries of family friends
33 - Small pamphlet entitled "The Parish of Kirk of Mid-Calder"
34 - Small pamphlet entitled "The Scargill Community"
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